Snakes serve an important role as a predator in the ecosystem and snakes are signs of a
healthy ecosystem . It helps in maintaining populations of rodents and other prey at a
constantly acceptable level. Just think of farmers and the problems they got with rodents.
Snakes are actually responsible for keeping crop yields at an acceptable level and preventing spreading of diseases by preventing rats from propagating, just to take an example.
The Most Valued Benefit
Snake Vemon is highly valued. The Snake venom is extracted through a series of steps.
Then the venom is injected into horses, which have to be watched closely for many months.
As the horses become immune to the snake venom, blood will be collected, taken to a
medical ladoratory and processed into snakebite serum. The blood is then distributed to hospitals and doctors. If someone is bitten by a poisomous snake the horse serum,
or antivenin, can beinjected to make the snake venom in the body become ineffective.
There may not be very many benefits to snakes, but the few that we have are life saving.
People who kill snakes, prairie dogs and other animals usually do so out of fear or ignorance. Other people kill things out of pure meanness, and that will never change.
Snakes are beneficial animals. Most species, including venomous ones, feed on rodents,
including species that can carry hantavirus. The cavalier eradication of snakes allows
rodent populations to swell to hazardous levels. Even rattlesnakes will avoid humans if
given the chance.If you go hiking or camping, all you have to do is use a little common
sense and you won'thaveany problems with snakes. Wear boots when walking in areas known to befrequented by venomous snakes, and don't put your hands where you can't
see them.
It won't be long before we have another depravity in the form of rattlesnake round-ups.
Hundreds of rattlesnakes are inhumanely killed during these annual events. One fellow said
after chopping off the head of a rattlesnake in front of a bunch of people, including children,
"Snakes are too stupid to know they are dead when you cut their heads off."
This idiot doesn't realize that snakes are cold-blooded, and it naturally takes a while for the organs to die, sometimes as long as 45 minutes. The snake isn't the stupid one, it is the fool using the ax.Snakes have a place in nature, as do all animals, and should be left alone.
Before deciding to kill a snake in your yard or garden, consider the many benefits of
snakes. Snakes are one of nature's most efficient mousetraps, killing and eating a variety of rodentpests. Although snakes will not eliminate pests, they do help keep their numbers in check. Some harmless snakes (king snakes, milk snakes, and black racers) eat other snakes, including poisonous ones.
Snake venom has been used in developing a variety of human medicines.
One type of high blood pressure medicine was developed using information based on
chemical secrets contained in snake venom. Researchers are conducting studies using
snake poisons in developing treatments for blood and heart problems. Snake venom is also being investigated for controlling some types of harmful bacteria.