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Sri Lanka
I Am a Contributor in Many ways With My Mother Nature. as an Eco Friendly Human,a Nature Conservationist Cum Researcher & Data Collector about Snakes & Workshops Conductor For Nature Conservation & Protection.......Through That All I Would Like To Consider My Self as a Fool For Forest-Fool For Wild Life - Fool For Snakes - Deep Lover For Mother Nature..But I Have a Mission to Save the World's Endangered Species....

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Snakes And Humans

The Relationship between snakes and humans is a turbulent one that has evolved through the millenia. In some cultures snakes are revered and worshipped, in others they are reviled.
Current attitudes are largely based on outdated information, hearsay, and old wives tales with little rational consideration towards the true characteristics and behaviour of snakes.
Very few people ever encounter snakes, let alone study them, as a result the ideas that most people have about snakes are based on fear and prejudice alone.

Unless you already have an interest in snakes, most of what you think you know about them is probably wrong. 

Try this simple test. These are some of the questions that I have been asked over the years.

A) Are snakes aggressive?
B) Are snakes slimy?
C) Are snakes territorial?
D) Do all snakes hibernate?
E) Do they travel in pairs?
F) If you see a small snake, the mother must be around?
G) Do snakes have bad eyesight?
H) Do snakes like milk?
I) Some snakes chase people
J) If you kill a snake, it's partner will hunt you down.

If you answered Yes to any of the above questions, then you need to re-evaluate your ideas about snakes. 

How many people do you know are afraid of chairs? A silly question yet there are more serious injuries associated with using a chair than there are snakebite incidents.

Want some more silly stats?

Horses kill more people than snakes do and yet horseriding remains a favourite pastime.

Statistically more people are killed by bee-stings than by snakes.

In the United States alone over a thousand people are struck by lightning every year with around 10% resulting in fatalities. There are on average between 4-10 deaths related to snakebite.

And the scariest one of all.....
How many people die on our roads every year in motor vehicle accidents? Despite these factual statistics we still choose to get into our cars everyday. 

It is also important to note that 93% of snakebite incidents are classified as illegitimate bites.
The major causes of snakebite are the following:
* Trying to kill the snake.
* Trying to catch the snake.
* Trying to move the snake.
* Handling snakes.
* Harassing the animal.
Only 7% of reported snakebites are purely accidental. 

So...what are the chances of a snake encounter?
Truthfully, the odds of encountering a snake are a lot better now than 20 years ago.
All the more reason to learn more about them.
With the ever increasing pressure of modern society more and more people are moving away from the big cities and into the countryside. Whether the move is permanent, or simply a weekend hideaway, we as humans are encroaching more and more into what little wilderness areas we have left. 
As a result, the continuing conflict between snakes and humans is bound to escalate.

Another important factor to take into account is the reptile trade. More and more people are keeping snakes and other reptiles as pets. The popularity of reptiles has grown dramatically over the last decade.
How many people do you know keep snakes, or at the very least know of someone that keeps snakes in your neighbourhood?
What does this mean? Unfortunately more snake related incidents. 

Snakes and humans can co-exist. By following simple rules and guidelines you can greatly reduce the risk of a snakebite.
Think of it this way.....
If you obey the rules of the road whilst driving, you also reduce the risk of an accident.
The same principle applies for snakes.
The aim of this site is to equip you with the necessary knowledge to deal with the possible eventuality of a snake encounter.